Friday, September 11, 2009

Hello~It's Friday!!

Hey, Ya'll! What's goin' on? Well, it's finaly Friday! THANK THE LORD!!! ;} No school for the next two days......sweet bliss. My mom and I are going shopping tonight and I can't wait! I supposed to get paid for babysitting, so I'll have something to do. How about you? Are you going anywhere on this fine Friday? Comment me!
p.s. hannah and neva.........WRITE ME SOOOOOOON!!!!! (PLEASE)


  1. Hey Emmy!

    Gonna have a letter in the mail to your soon! Sorry for the delay. :) Yes, aren't weekends wonderful? Tonight we will be going to a concert, and then tomorrow we are going to be hangin' out, etc. And then on Sunday, we are going to be celebrating Spencer's 14th b-day... :D How fun...


  2. Emmy,
    Could you let me know what your e-mail address is? Talk to you later,

  3. Hey girl!

    What happened to all those pictures you so lovingly promised me? :) Just kidding, I know your busy. We are too, and if you haven't checked my blog in a while, I haven't posted either. Our county fair was last week, so in preparation for it, we sorta put off a few days of school work. So this week we were catching up on all that... how fun! :)

    Talk to you later,
